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ABOVE: Mentor-Teachers demonstrate Spiritual Warfare in our "invisible" lives through the performance-based teaching method as an instructional

Model of Learning: Developmental Learning Processes & Skills

In a previous blog conversation titled In God’s Service or In Baal’s Bondage?, we discussed these key terms:


1. Psyche is a noun, another word for mind, or the deepest thoughts, feelings, or beliefs of a person or group. 


Embedded in the psyche of this 21st century is the hostility toward things holy, or of godly nature, so much so that humanity thrives in a psyche (or mindset) of disobedience.


2. Conscious  is an adjective (a word that describes a noun) and has several meanings:1) to be awake, thinking, and aware of what is happening around you; 2) to be aware of the existence or presence of a particular thing or person; 3) determined and intentional. 


They refuse to be fully conscious of the results or consequences of their acts of disobedience.


It is the conscious which describes the psyche and oftentimes judges it as “right” or “wrong”; hence the next term,

3. Conscience, a noun, a part of you that judges the morality (the rightness or wrongness) of your own actions and makes you feel either good about the right things you have done or guilty about the wrong things that you have done. 


Then Paul, looking earnestly at the council, said, “Men and brethren, I have lived in all good conscience before God until this day” (Acts 23:1).


This judgment in essence creates a person’s values, the beliefs people have about what is right and wrong and what is most important in life, which, in turn, control their behavior.


The way we think is based on what we know to be “true”.  Knowledge then is what builds up our psyche.  What are we knowledgeable about?  Knowledge is our understanding, our interpretation of information which has been obtained by either experience or study.  This knowledge comes from ideas which in turn becomes our ideology, a collective thought, or set of ideas and values held by a group of people and works like a force and power which moves a group of people in a certain direction, controlling their behavior.  The society into which a person is born is characterized by its living patterns (lifestyle), the way it functions in everyday life.  This is a “culture”, a system of beliefs, values, and customs, or social behaviors.


So, in a nutshell: A deeply held belief is a CORE VALUE.  These values guides the way you think in MAKING CHOICES.  The choices you make produces your CUSTOMS, or behavior patterns.  You habitual patterns of behavior produces your CULTURE, or the way you live, called lifestyle


Can we deduce then that conscience is molded in the mind or psyche by the passing on of cultural values in a package we call ‘knowledge’?


In the blog, Let the Children Come To Me: Qualifications of a Mentor-Teacher, we talked about a ‘disconnectedness’ in a child’s three major worlds—the home, the school, and the church.  And that this ‘disconnect’ plunges young souls into an escape route of dangerous addictions.  The statistics constantly change from year to year and makes out heads spin at the alarming rates at which young people succumb to the consequences of making choices not centered on what Christ’s love advises, thus reflecting the global increase in numbers of teenage pregnancies followed by abortions; the numbers of all kinds of drug addicts, the numbers of juvenile delinquent crimes; the number of suicides; the number of run-aways; the numbers of homeless young people; the numbers of youth joining the occult, or other anti-Christian ‘religions, and street gangs; and the lists of other modes of self-destruction reflect increases in rates revolving around another group of words in the form of the compound question: Who am I? And what am I doing here?”


The ideas that are most important in one’s culture cause him or her to act out whatever the elders (mentor-teachers) of the culture think, say, and do; oftentimes following the ways of human psyche and going against the instructions of our Creator God in His Word for living on earth yet in the kingdom of heavenly culture.


Mentor-Teachers with JHS and SHS learners at KNUST's Prempeh II Library for a Teen Summit on "Finding My Life's Purpose", exploring future career options with counselling from Library Staff



The journey to the solution of this daunting question requires a shifting in the way we think. 


The inter-personal and the inter-cultural relationship of home-school-church is the foundational structure of the lives of our young people.  The home-school-church relationship is deeply intimate, intricate, and interwoven because the church is in the heart (soul) of the child; the school is in his/her head; and the home is in his/her hands.  These are the three domains from where a child learns who he or she is and why he or she is here on earth.


So, instead of supporting society’s force to separate these three domains, it is my petition to parents, teachers, and community elders including pastors and politicians, that we embrace all three entities into one embodiment of a young person’s life; and make it our goal to help them make sense of this world in which they are so desperately trying to function in successfully because it is crumbling, stone by stone, as its Cornerstone is rejected for the blocks building satanic strongholds around the souls of our toddlers to our adolescents.

"Emancipated: Free Your Mind"

Do not conform any longer to the pattern [ways] of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind [psyche]. Then you will be able to prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God (Romans 12:2).

Just as each one of us is born into a human “culture” so too can each one of us make a conscious effort to be re-born (born-again) into a heavenly culture, where knowledge is the truth of God’s word.  For it is the lack of this knowledge, and the practice of living the core values of the heavenly kingdom, that young people are perishing.


Now the Spirit expressly says that in latter times (nowadays) some will depart from the faith [in Christ Jesus], paying attention to deceiving spirits [“pop-culture”] and doctrines of demons by means of the hypocrisy of liars having their own conscience seared [in complete or full-blown disobedience] as with a hot (branding) iron (1 Timothy 4:1-2).


Are we conscious of the existence of the influence of “pop-culture” (a style of living that is disobedient to God’s perfect will) today, and is our conscience checking the ways we respond in this “air of disobedience” to our Creator God’s original psyche about making man in His own image?


If so, then let’s get to work at constructing knowledge that combines values from the home, values from the school, and values from the church and implement it also into our homes, schools, and churches (this is not about denomination). With the “mind of Christ,” learners can excel in any chosen professional, vocational, artistic, industrial, agricultural, or entrepreneurial career.  The “mind of Christ” does not pertain to only Bible Studies but also to Academic and Life-skills Training.  Learning requires thinking.  Which mind is capable of understanding all things?  The human mind or the mind of Christ? 

Wholistic Christ-Centered Education (WCCE) creates learners (young souls) who live in high achievement due to its exemplary models of learning “building blocks.” What is Wholistic Christ-Centered Education? Join the Promised Gift Foundation Online Academy as we delve into understanding WCCE’s anatomy and action required in Training Up Children (from Nursery to SHS) in the Way . . . and do not forbid them.




© 2024 by Patience Osei-Anyamesem. All rights reserved.  Published by The Light In Me Enterprise.  No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means—electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording, or any other—without the prior written permission of the publisher.  The only exception is brief quotations in printed reviews or other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.


Unless otherwise stated, all scripture quotations are from The New King James Version. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc.  Used by permission. All rights reserved.


The artwork depicted in the blog article is carefully selected to draw out the points made for healing of the soul, and by no means promote any ideologies from the various artists unless they are found in the center of God's perfect will.

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